Sunday, July 8, 2007


As predicted, the establishment, politicians & media are mulling over the possible ‘solutions’ posed by LIVE EARTH, inspiring thousands to go green, like the solution was ever in doubt .

There’s been talk of how we must take action, how we simply have to do something right now, or else the time will be up and all that we hold dear will be lost in the balance.

As evidenced in this article from the Scotsman, be prepared to dramatic changes in your lifestyle

“MEAT-FREE menus, battery- operated cars and an end to affordable flights.

These are among the radical visions outlined in a report which says Britain could be carbon neutral within 20 years - but only if major steps are taken to change our lifestyles.

Paul Allen, CAT's development director, said: "What we are saying is that we need a huge programme, a bit like the US space project in the Sixties.

"When that was launched it was known to be a huge target, but the driving force to make it work was there. We think that zerocarbonbritain can do that again - it can give us a positive future.

In its report, the CAT suggests creating a market for carbon that affects every individual, household and company in the country. People would be given their own carbon credits called Tradable Energy Quotas (TEQs) and carry them on smart cards.

More of the fallout is backed by Democratic US representative John Dingell, calling for an all out Carbon Tax

His proposal would boost the federal gasoline tax by 50 cents a gallon, he said, and establish a "double digit" tax on each ton of carbon dioxide emissions. The federal tax on a gallon of gas is now 18.4 cents and has not risen in 14 years.

His remarks coincided with the weekend of Live Earth, a series of concerts around the world aimed at raising awareness of climate change. The concerts are backed by former Vice President Al Gore, a proponent of a carbon-based tax.

The consensus at this point seems destined that we will have to accept taxation on everything we do for the ‘good of the planet’, which is very well illustrated in this Toronto Star Editorial

“Canada must put a price on carbon if this country is serious about meeting its medium- and long-term goals for reducing its greenhouse gas emissions. The round table members say Canadians will not do what has to be done as long as we act as if there is no cost to pumping carbon into the atmosphere.

Whether it takes the form of a carbon tax or a market price determined through a system in which emissions are capped and those below their caps sell their unused emissions allotment to those who exceed their caps, the round table members say paying for the environmental damage we do is the surest way of getting us all to stop

And the message to government couldn't be clearer. The sooner it acknowledges that we all must pay for the environmental damage we are doing by putting a price on carbon that leads to real reductions over the medium term, the better off we will be over the longer term in terms of both environmental and economic effects. “

This just falls hand in hand with another Canadian Report on how all Canadians must pay a heavy toll or face future economic disaster due to carbon emissions.

The burden is put on the backs of the working men & women, like we’re the plague that’s devastating the planet, all the while the major polluters are grandstanding with their bought and sold government, gleefully smacking their lips at the prospect that people have ‘gone along’ with the global tax.

God forbid a volcano erupts, we’d all be back at square zero, and just in case anyone is wondering, volcano eruptions will put a 100-150 million tons of man-made carbon into the atmosphere.

I want to ask people one thing. If the planet was in such peril, four strokes to midnight as the media is having us believe, why is it that HEMP isn’t being viewed as any viable solution to the problem?

If man-made global warming is real, which it isn’t, and if carbon emissions are so detrimental to the planet, how come we don’t fully invest in a plant that could fuel our cars, cook our meals, whose fibers are one of the world’s most durable?



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"I'm sick of feeling impotent, watching the world burn, in the era of apocalypse, waiting my turn"-Immortal Technique

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