Thursday, July 12, 2007


Is a terror attack coming?

From the looks of it, on the basis of the fear-mongering, the veiled threats and suspicious comments made by government officials and 'Al-Qaida' leadership, it seems like we are being primed and readied for another 'Spectacular Attack' inside the United States to further solidify the geo-political structure, fully bring down the US Dollar, ushering in asymmetrical warfare in the Middle East for generations that will guarantee the enslavement of the West under a Big Brother Police State.

The recent announcement that 'Al-Qaida' may be in the US at this very moment just waiting to strike down a hellish inferno unless you go along with Big Brother.

There are just too many coinciding events occurring, almost like clockwork, falling into place, which leads me to come to this conclusion.

There has been a spate of recent revelations, which almost resembles a gossip with a juicy story to tell, but can't keep their mouths shut. Chiefly of these, are the recent revelations by former Republican Senator Rick Santorum,

"suggested that a series of "unfortunate events," namely terrorist attacks, will occur within the next year and change American citizen's perception of the war."

Dennis Milligan, the leader of the Republican Party in Arkansas, has also recently stated

"At the end of the day, I believe fully the president is doing the right thing, and I think all we need is some attacks on American soil like we had on [Sept. 11, 2001]," Milligan said to the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, "and the naysayers will come around very quickly to appreciate not only the commitment for President Bush, but the sacrifice that has been made by men and women to protect this country."

The troll-like chief of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff, also mused aloud on his 'gut' feeling

America will be hit by the end of the summer, along with a new US Intelligence report stating that

"Al-Qaida is stronger than it was a year ago and has "regrouped to an extent not seen since 2001," the report said, according to sources.

The average person who believes in this phony 'War on Terror' should be OUTRAGED at this admission, stating that virtually nothing has been done against the Phantom Menace known as Al-Qaeda, ,except to use them to carry out attacks within Iran. For all means and purposes, the United Kingdom is serving as the guinea pig of the global control network, a fusion of total surveillance, an eerie nanny control state, crossed with the crime & hooliganism of Kubrick’s a ‘A Clockwork Orange’,


This is especially since the universal disarmament of the British population, criminalizing self-defense, leaving them vulnerable for the marauding bands of cowards and thugs who do nothing but empower the system, compounded with a level of apathy that ensures the descent into tyranny.


You can now probably understand why the Ministry of Defense entitles the ‘future strategic context”

Revolution, flashmobs, and brain chips. A grim vision of the future

Just a few points from the article…

By 2035, an implantable "information chip" could be wired directly to the brain.

Electromagnetic pulse weapons.

The middle classes becoming revolutionary,

The population of countries in the Middle East increasing by 132%, while Europe's drops as fertility falls.

"Flashmobs" - groups rapidly mobilised by criminal gangs or terrorists groups.

“A "terrorist coalition", the report says, including a wide range of reactionary and revolutionary rejectionists such as ultra-nationalists, religious groupings and even extreme environmentalists, might conduct a global campaign of greater intensity".

This is the world in 30 years' time envisaged by a Ministry of Defence team responsible for painting a picture of the "future strategic context" likely to face Britain's armed forces. It includes an "analysis of the key risks and shocks". Rear Admiral Chris Parry, head of the MoD's Development, Concepts & Doctrine Centre which drew up the report, describes the assessments as "probability-based, rather than predictive".

Yes, Britain has fully embraced George Orwell’s vision, but at a faster rate than the rest of the world. There are over four million cameras, microphones melded with the latest data mining software to implement face scanning, movement tracking, even walk analysis, x-ray scanners coupled with propaganda desensitizing the minds of the otherwise clueless population.

Of course all selectively enforced, as the thugs are needed to justify the presence of big brother, but you will be thrown in jail for advocating farmer’s rights or committing ‘hate speech’. A law a day, as they say.

I’m an outside observer looking in, but I’ve been looking in at the developments in Britain for years, and I must say the trend is becoming too spooky and surreal for my mind to comprehend as being acceptable to the people, even much less acceptable to me. I see the roots of the same system set up here.

The main reason why I bring up Britain is because things are BAD in Britain.


From any moral standpoint, such a system is inherently wicked, as the saying goes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions, leads you to wonder how hellish dark intentions must be paving the road, but people can’t, for the most part, even find Iran on a world map

We haven’t yet seen the intense preparations for the 2012 Olympics,

“A swathe of controversial "Big Brother" style crime-fighting techniques are to be introduced by the Government under the cover of the 2012 London Olympics, a leaked memo has revealed.”

What’s promised is a proper introduction to the world of domestic slavery, courtesy of the New World Order, as England is enveloped in second world status.


Such unimaginable aggression towards the general public, and it’s scary to see how the people exhibit apathy and submission to a system that Stalin and Hitler would only dream about.

In comparison to the get up and go of earlier generations, we’ve become slothy, addicted to every form of entertainment, vice, sex and distraction being offered on a tainted tablet of pills and brain chips.

WHY? I ask myself constantly.

What persuades someone to accept and submit to such invasive technologies? It bothers me to even have a social security number!

Safe from what? Terrorism? The SAME terrorism British Intelligence has been subjecting England to for years?

Let’s suppose the Nazi regime did have these control systems.

What would the world have been like if Hitler’s ‘New World Order’ would have been created under this control grid?

How would any resistance be mounted against such a system?

Imagine the massive loss of life during the Second World War, and now imagine that system compounded with the admitted eugenics/depopulation programs, one child policies, that the global elite is pushing?

The UK is THE MOST DNA DATABASED PLACE ON EARTH? Doesn’t even matter as the database is shared with countries!

‘UK has today one of the largest law enforcement DNA database with profiles from 3.5 million people, including 500 000 children under 16 years old. The database was established in 1995.’

Featherstone considered that "There are no real safeguards in place to control this huge database which leaves it open for misuse - and now we find out it's not only being misused in our country but also internationally." She also supported the idea of an independent watchdog to monitor the access of foreign law enforcement authorities to the UK DNA Database.

Do you really believe they’re collecting all this data to ‘fight crime’?

Prince Philip speaks fondly of the need to ‘cull’ surplus population, and what better
Way to practice eugenics than a DNA database to decide who to ‘cull’?

Is this the legacy you want to leave to your children?

Now suppose it’s true, that Muslims hate the West and want to kill us in global jihad. The government’s solution, is creating a control grid, imposing draconian laws on the average person, and all the while they bring in thousands of foreigners a day, and safeguard known terrorists? Tensions have to be fermented, in order to create the divisions needed to destroy any concept of nation-state.

“Globalisation may lead to levels of international integration that effectively bring inter-state warfare to an end. But it may lead to "inter-communal conflict" - communities with shared interests transcending national boundaries and resorting to the use of violence.”

The ones who claim Big Brother is in your best interest, are the same ones who are creating and protecting the dreaded “Al-Qaida”.

John Loftus explains the strange tale of Haroon Rashid Aswat, M-16 Operative and the alleged mastermind behind the 7/7 bombings, until this information went public and they changed their story yet again

Underground Terrorism drills were being practiced, and the same time, same place, same scenario as what actually occurred. What are the odds?


“A Survivor’s Story’ of Bruce Lait, who survived the 7/7 bombings.


“When paramedics arrived, they confirmed that the woman on top of him was dead and carefully moved her body. Mr. Lait said the middle-aged woman had blonde curly hair, was dressed in black, and could have been a businesswoman.

He and Crystal were helped out of the carriage. As they made their way out, a policeman pointed out where the bomb had been.

"The policeman said 'mind that hole, that's where the bomb was'. The metal was pushed upwards as if the bomb was underneath the train. They seem to think the bomb was left in a bag, but I don't remember anybody being where the bomb was, or any bag," he said.”


That alone should raise many questions, but any inquiry has been ruled out.

and people put up with this garbage? Throughout history, populations have violently revolted for so much less, yet we have rogue networks bombing us, terrorizing us, and extorting us.

Don’t think things will change with the incoming scumbag-du-jour Gordon Brown. He is even more committed to a New World Order than Tony Blair was.


Look to England, home to ‘The City’ within London, the center of the global financial spider-web of maniupulation, to see what the future holds for the rest of the world.

it’s not a pretty picture.

Sunday, May 27, 2007


I found this photo awhile ago, almost as a joke, kind of complimenting the vice president on his endowment.

For someone who’s read TRANCE-FORMATION OF AMERICA by Cathy O’Brien & Mark Phillips, this photo takes on a disturbing dimension.

In the book, Cathy O’Brien relates her experiences as a mind controlled slave created and used under Project Monarch, within the New World Order structure operating within the US Government.

This book is quite the read, and looking upon it now, knowing it was written in 1995 detailing the plans that would be taken to usher in the NWO, detailing a horrific existence, while exposing the tightly knit machine of evil & slavery it operates under.

and if you look closely, you’ll see what I’m talking about…

Now here’s a few exceprts from the book, that illustrates why this photo is Important

Dick Cheney, then White House Chief of Staff to president Ford, later Secretary of Defense to President George Bush, documented member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR),
Dick Cheney keeping CFR Secrets

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and Presidential hopeful for 1996, was originally Wyoming's only Congressman. Dick Cheney was the reason my family had traveled to Wyoming where I endured yet another form of brutality— his version of "A Most Dangerous Game," or human hunting. It is my understanding now that A Most Dangerous Game was devised to condition military personnel in survival and combat maneuvers. Yet it was used on me and other slaves known to me as a means of further conditioning the mind to the realization there was "no place to hide," as well as traumatize the victim for ensuing programming. It was my experience over the years that A Most Dangerous Game had numerous variations on the primary theme of being stripped naked and turned loose in the wilderness while being hunted by men and dogs. In reality, all "wilderness" areas were enclosed in secure military fencing whereby it was only a matter of time until I was caught, repeatedly raped, and tortured.

As soon as we arrived at Bush and Cheney's inner sanctum, I noticed George Bush, Jr. was with them. It was my experience that Jr. stood by his father and covered his backside whenever Bush would become incapacitated from drugs or required criminal backup. It appeared that Jr. was there to serve both purposes while his father and Cheney enjoyed their work vacation. Hyper from drugs, Cheney and Bush were eager to hunt their human prey in "A Most Dangerous Game". They greeted me with the rules of the game, ordered me to strip naked despite the cold December winds, and told me in Oz cryptic to "beware of the lions and tigers and bears". Kelly's life became the stakes, as usual, which resurrected my natural and exaggerated programmed maternal instincts. Tears silently ran down my cheeks as Bush told me, "If we catch you, Kelly's mine. So run, run as fast as you can. I'll get you and your little girl, too, because I can, I can, I can. And I will."

Bush attempted to sell Cheney on the idea of pedophilia through graphic descriptions of having sex with Kelly. Both were already sexually aroused from drugs and anticipation. Cheney demonstrated to Bush why he did not have sex with kids by exposing himself to Kelly and saying, "Come here". Upon seeing Cheney's unusually large penis, Kelly reeled back in horror and cried,"No!"which made them both laugh. Bush asked Cheney for his liquid cocaine atomizer as he got up to take Kelly to the bedroom. When Cheney remarked how benevolent it was of Bush to numb her with it before sex, Bush replied, "The hell it is. It's for me." He described his excited state in typical vulgar terms and explained that he wanted it to spray cocaine on his penis to last longer. Cheney said, "I thought it was for the kid."

Dick Cheney had an apparent addiction to the "thrill of the sport". He appeared obsessed with playing A Most Dangerous Game as a means of traumatizing mind-control victims, as well as to satisfy his own perverse sexual kinks. My introduction to the game occurred upon arrival at the hunting lodge near Greybull, Wyoming, and it physically and psychologically devastated me. I was sufficiently traumatized for Cheney's programming as I stood naked in his hunting lodge office after being hunted down and caught. Cheney was talking as he paced around me, "I could stuff you and mount you like a jackalope and call you a two legged dear. Or I could stuff you with this (he unzipped his pants to reveal his oversized penis) right down your throat, and then mount you. Which do you prefer?

Staying around Cheney while he slept was as deadly a mistake as removing his clothes or questioning him-it was forbidden. This time he broke his own rule, and did not even punish me for it when morning arrived. He had spent so many hours drinking alcohol and using his enormous penis as an assault weapon that he passed out shortly before my escort arrived. As I walked into the hall, I doubled over from pain. My escort turned to Cheney and remarked, "Christ, Cheney". Cheney lifted his head and proudly slurred, "Now you know why they call it 'Dick'.


There’s no debating it at this point, there aren’t thousands of professional hoaxers that spend day in and day out creating hoaxes to get little to no recognition for them.

Money talks, right? Wouldn’t the hoaxers be creating more and selling them for profit?

These video captures, I find, are the most credible videos I’ve seen to date, I’d like to know if others have any more information on these specifics videos


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Now the question I have about UFOS, is not whether they exist or not, but whether the global power elite is in control of what’s happening on that level or vice-versa?

Are these the spy drones that are supposed to be patrolling our skies?

When you talk about the New World Order, you can document it, prove it journalistically, physically, tangibly exists…but with UFO’s, there’s been such strict secrecy on the subject, that any mention of it automatically lumps you into the tin foil hat wearing, big foot chasing stereotype that the general public has of anything that goes contrary to the establishment line, although that’s quickly changing.


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IN RELATION TO CROP CIRCLES, where the establishment media tries to spin away the phenomenon as stoners going out in fields all over the world, making this intricate, mathematically precise renditions of everything from




This gives me hope for the future, knowing that there is a lot more to this physical life than accumulating privately printed Illuminati talismans & hoarding trinkets made by slaves in third world nations.


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Saturday, May 26, 2007


As the New World Order unfolds before our eyes, to see the size and scope of what exactly living in the North American Union will mean for millions of people, is enough to raise the alarm bells and cry out warnings on the rooftops along the information superhighway

Corporate interests & Governments, on all levels, have merged through a combination of deceptive dealings, backroom meetings, and veiled propaganda meant to dissuade the public on the massive effect the Internet is having on the public mind.

The truth is out of the bag now, and these elite brokers of a shadow government covertly have crafted legislation and construction has begun to reduce the continent to an Orwellian, high-tech surveillance grid, a cybernetic, drugged population and a taxed and tolled infrastructure and checkpoint network, run by foreign companies, which will be levied and accorded due to perhaps the most monstrous of what’s ahead.



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This is THE fuel to drive the economy into a complete, electronic and cashless society, and the precursor to Eugenics and ‘culling’ of the global population.

The latest ploy to get Americans to accept the North American ID Card, is the Secure Borders, Economic Opportunity & Immigration Reform Act, as well as the federally mandated license standardization, the REAL ID ACT, where you will have to give up your fingerprints and retinal scans, to be inserted onto the database to be tracked by your “Radio-Frequency-Identity-Chip’,number, aka RFID. This Draconian ID scheme ensures that which you will need to get a job, as this CNET article explains:

“Because anyone who fails a database check would be out of a job, the proposed database already has drawn comparisons with the "no-fly list" and is being criticized by civil libertarians and business groups.
All employers--at least 7 million, according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce--would be required to verify identity documents provided by both existing employees and potential hires, the legislation says.
The data, including Social Security numbers, would be provided to Homeland Security, on penalty of perjury, and the government databases would provide a work authorization confirmation within three business days

There is no privacy requirement that the federal government delete the information after work authorization is given or denied. Employers would be required to keep all the documentation in paper or electronic form for seven years "and make it available for inspection by officers of the Department of Homeland Security"

Secure Borders, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Reform Act (PDF)


This measure is thankfully is being resisted by States across the board, but States could only do so much, it’s the people that have to rise up and destroy this monster while it’s still in the lab.

People don’t really realize that the chip in itself is not what’s the most troubling, it’s the massive GLOBAL DATABASE it’s attached to that will reduce us to peons at the mercy of an unseen organization who decides the rules and are accountable to no one.

Cashless society by 2012, says Visa chief.

Economy is the means of life on this planet. The Global Economy, after it crashes of course, will be replaced by a cashless system, which of course, will be deemed necessary to prevent another crash, posing as our saviors, the robber barons be waiting in the wings with a net fishing out what’s left of your assets.


These people play for keeps. That’s where the Police State that’s been set up comes into play, to keep you obedient to the system, subservient to the oppression.

This is a dark future, if we are willingly giving up all rights and freedoms over to arch criminals & Satanists, that YOU KNOW works against each and every one of us.

To have everything you do, everything you’re ever bought, read, surfed, watched put on a database and red-flagged if necessary.

It sounds all safe & secure on the surface, like a gentle shepherd rooting out the evil from the flock, but now this scientifically crafted system of control is ready to be used against us, and given the numbness of mind of the general public, this may well be the final and complete subjugation of humanity.

It gets even more final when you realize that this shadow government aims to eventually have a robotic force to deal with the ‘insurgents’.

That doesn’t include the sound or microwave weapons.

No conscience, no quams about killing, but in the meantime they’ll give their enforcers drugs to erase their memories of what they’re being trained to do!
It does sound final and sensationalistic to phrase it like that, but just look at the evidence!

Britain is a model state of the Orwellian system that’s being imposed, over FOUR MILLION cameras recording everything you do, massive surveillance of the people even widespread DNA collection. In fact, Britain has cameras that now will bark orders to you in a child’s voice, but it would be hard to find children who talk in Britain, as the television rules their days and nights.

Britons 'could be microchipped like dogs in a decade'

‘If you got nothing to hide, you shouldn’t be worried.’


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Can you believe this?!? This enrages me and should enrage you too! and to think it’s coming from governments and officials that have more skeletons in their closet than there are in the Paris Catacombs!


Utter dehumanization, like cattle, by governments, and the corporations & think tanks that have bought and sold them, is something I just can’t accept and I hope you can’t either.

If not for your own rights & freedoms, imagine letting children be indoctrinated into such a system?

They will know nothing else other than what’s been implanted in their minds, especially since they’re being trained into global citizenry since they begin ‘daycare’

Once that shift takes places, and the youth of the world have become assimilated to biometric identifiers, once the power brokers play off their promise of selling the chip to the next generation, the ability to discover the truth, will be greatly diminished, if not vanquished.

The information you see today will cease to exist, blotted out of history by demons in flesh, who get nothing but satisfaction and pleasure from sadism & brutality.

I like to make use of videos, because that’s what people react to. I could say something is happening, doesn’t mean you should believe it, in fact you should
about something so massive, so final and devastating.

Hopefully you may learn the truth, drop the pink shirts, stop trying to be criminals, drop the oversized sunglasses, and start to learn that you’re being distracted and blinded while the New World Order is gearing up to wield a mighty sucker punch to shatter the glass world around you.


US and EU agree 'single market'

Framework for Advancing Transatlantic Economic Integration Between the United States of America and the European Union

Congress Funds Psychological Tests for Kids

Freedom in a Surveillance State

North American Union to Replace USA?

France fixated on 'orgy' scandal

Dutroux 'worked on orders of child-sex ring'

Belgian sex ring 'ignored'

DynCorp disgrace: employees of the corporation have been buying and selling women and young girls for sex while working under contract for the United States

Conspiracy of Silence

Slavery fears for 'lost' children

Bush to screen whole US population for mental illness

Neural 'extension cord' developed for brain implants
U.S. Can Confine Citizens Without Charges, Court Rules


What if you could erase your memory?

New Model Army Soldier Rolls Closer to Battle

No identity card? You could be fined £2,500

Are 4m CCTV cameras Orwell's vision realised?

High Tech Cop Tools See Through Walls

Papers Reveal Plans for 'North American Union'


Shadow Government Is at Work in Secret

Bush Administration Quietly Plans NAFTA Super Highway

NAFTA Turned U.S., Canada And Mexico Into Single Giant Market

Panel calls for secured border perimeter with U.S., Canada, Mexico


Could X-ray scanners work on the street?

A Diary That Never Sleeps

Don't like ID cards? Hand over your passport

Urban legend of "North American Union" feeds on fears

RFID Technology

Army robotics program keeps rollin’ along

US plans 'robot troops' for Iraq

Police Turn Up Volume for GOP Convention

Super-secret microwave weapons may be used in Iraq

Erasing the Pain of the Past

Experimental AI Powers Robot Army

Feds to Fund Controversial School Surveillance

Spy drones added to Britain's "surveillance society"

Big loss of support for civil liberties

Libraries eye RFID to track books

Data-Mining Moves into the Mainstream

How mobile phones let spies see our every move

Big Brother: Should it be in your car?

Big brother or the mark of the beast?

Google will know what you searched last summer

"How Orwellian can you get?" - RFID for air travellers


Work bill would create new ID database

Police put 100,000 innocent children on DNA database

Bio-chip implant arrives
for cashless transactions

Confusion surrounds national ID card program

Brussels planning central database for all fingerprints

Britain will be first country to monitor every car journey

Big trade deficit still sore point

Foreign companies buying U.S. roads, bridges

Where have all the viewers gone?

RFID chips on kids makes Legoland safer

Theme park tracking system lacks user-friendly features

More than 3m on DNA 'stealth' database

Eco-Extremist Wants World Population to Drop below 1 Billion  

Buffalo children tracked by plastic cards with embedded RFID microchips

The end of the internet is nigh

"Beware of the End of the World (Wide Web)," Says Intel

'Internet 2' Would Act as 'Security Buffer' For World Wide Web

Is the global economy set for trouble?

US Housing Bubble Meltdown: "Is it too late to get out"?

‘IMF to urge depreciation in dollar’

Analysts: Dollar collapse
would result in 'amero'

We're moving to cashless, maybe spendthrift society

Cashless society by 2012, says Visa chief

Will Canada be the first cashless society?

Children 'bad for planet'

VeriChip: Ready for a breakout?

VeriChip Introduces Implantable Human Microchip

VeriChip Is I.D.'d As A Winner

VeriChip Passes Significant Milestone: Over 500 Hospitals Have Now Agreed to Adopt VeriMed Patient Identification System


Tax on Carbon Emissions Gains Support

Revealed, what Blair isn't telling you about road tolls

'Pay-as-you-go' road charge plan

Toll roads with a cash-out option

New Model Army Soldier Rolls Closer to Battle

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"I'm sick of feeling impotent, watching the world burn, in the era of apocalypse, waiting my turn"-Immortal Technique

Montreal Pyramid

Montreal Pyramid
The Capstone glows at night