Saturday, May 26, 2007


Something occurred to me tonight, as I was sifting through videos and news stories, about the ever escalating crises in Lebanon, to force peddling of implantable microchips to newborns, to the Amnesty Bill that could be passed as soon as Monday, why not even top it off with a transport strike from our overpaid-underworked Transport Union.

What occurred to me, was that so much in going on , that it’s hard to even keep track of the developments and try to maintain a life at the same time
Everything seems just so surreal… I feel pretty numb looking through these tinted glasses that only a varied source of information can give you, but along with that comes densensitization.

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We are literally at the cusp of global transformation, the cards are lining up, the curtain’s about to rise. We have the Council on Foreign Relations telling you that ‘Al-Qaeda’ will stage a “False-Flag” Terrorist Attack to get the US into a War in Iran

The North American Union has been created, with not even a protest to make the mainstream news, I’ve even seen the new tax forms that businesses have to be enforced under by 2011.

Yet I feel numb

It seems to me, that the more people know of what’s going on, the more we become complacent with it. I’ll include myself in that criticism, and I’ll read in the paper how they’re scanning to arrest “dangerous” people , and I’ll just walk away because I’ve heard it all a million times before.

When I first found out about the New World Order, and all of it’s wickedness, I couldn’t sleep for three days, my hunger for knowledge was strong, it was almost like I was sustained by light and to see evil for what it was.

The funniest is when I talk to people off the street trying to get an opinion, if you will, of the common person’s thoughts and feelings living circa 2007, just to test the waters I’ll throw a few softballs for them, trying to get the thought process happening, but mostly What I’ve been seeing is pure apathy, or ‘yeah 9/11 was an inside job but I can't let that upset my life”

That frightens me. There’s so much at stake, there’s so much history and work and sacrifice made so we could have a better life for ourselves, and yet people are content to sit and play with Chinese made gadgets, and clueless on the most basic foundations of life.

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but when you walk down the street, you almost see the ghouls from ‘They Live’, really not a care in the world or a thought in the mind other than what’s been implanted in it, and the cheap baubles made by ‘indentured servants’ in overseas sweatshops

A big part of the problem of how the NOW has gotten away with so much, is changing

from this

to this

It’s almost like people really believe they’re in some revolving world that can never be altered, but when you look at history, and how people had to fight and struggle, from birth to death, to secure some semblence of independence for themselves.

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"I'm sick of feeling impotent, watching the world burn, in the era of apocalypse, waiting my turn"-Immortal Technique

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